Appending is vertically stacking one Dataframe below the other. This process enables creation of single Dataframe from two Dataframes. The number of columns in the two files shall ideally be same. Also the formats of the columns should be same.

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Aggregation of data is necessary to summarize and analyze the results. Groupby function in Pandas helps in grouping the data and further aggregation. Summarization can be done for counting rows, getting sum, maximum value, minimum value etc. Challenge comes in

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Sorting a dataframe is very often done during data processing steps. To know the best performing observation we can sort the dataset by specific column. Similarly, to know the worst performing observation, sorting can help. Sorting can help to have

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Data processing in Pandas can require various stages in between. There can be a need to drop certain rows in the datafile as well. Dropping rows in Pandas is comparatively easier when done at index level. This article explains Pandas

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As the world of data is growing, corporation are maintaining detailed datasets. Number of columns are increasing day by day. It becomes sometime very difficult to work with data having multiple columns in it. So there exist a need of

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