Aggregation of data is necessary to summarize and analyze the results. Groupby function in Pandas helps in grouping the data and further aggregation. Summarization can be done for counting rows, getting sum, maximum value, minimum value etc. Challenge comes in

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As the world of data is growing, corporation are maintaining detailed datasets. Number of columns are increasing day by day. It becomes sometime very difficult to work with data having multiple columns in it. So there exist a need of

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Pandas offers some great functions to process a dataset. In a data file there can be duplicates available at row level. Droping duplicates becomes very important, as the rows will create noise in any analysis. Some time the duplicates can

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For doing data analysis, group by remains one of the key process to follow. Data preparation and exploration stage requires multiple level of aggregation. This article covers how to Group By data in Python. Aggregation can be a done at

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