Pyspark can read CSV file directly to create Pyspark Dataframe. In situation where the CSV file does not has header available in the data, it becomes difficult to read it the right way. It may happen that the first row
Tag: Read Data
CSV files widely used for storing datasets, can sometime have some challenges. Many a times header is not present in the data file, this can pose challenges in importing the file. It can result into importing the first row as
Bigger datafiles are generally stored in text format, csv format. But Excel file i.e. XLSX file also remains an important format of storage, as it can save formats and other features along with the data as well. Importing an Excel
Comma Separated Value files (CSV) remains one of the main format to store data. It can store smaller number of rows, as well as large datasets. Most of the analysis starts with reading data into the coding environment. Reading CSV
Data storing can take place in many format in Microsoft Excel. One of the well known format is XLS or XLSX format, popularly know as Excel format. It is easier to import CSV file in python as discussed in the
CSV files are most popular format of dataset. Most of the companies in various industries prefer CSV for storing datasets. It can be a dataset of millions of rows or limited set of rows. To start working on datafiles in